Friday, February 15, 2013

Week 1: William Thomas Zeigler

Zeigler has been on death row since 1976, and has been waiting for a fair trial in an independent court where he can prove his innocence. He was wrongly convicted of a quadruple homicide in his hometown, Wintergarden, Florida. All the evidence was ruined by careless police, smoking and messing around on the job before evidence could be gathered and analyzed. So his chances to be proved innocent were little to slim, thus granting him red carpet to death row.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nick. You have a good start here, but it's incomplete. Look at the blue "Blogging Instructions" sheet to make sure you include everything.

    Summary- 5/5
    Review- 0/5
    Focus- 0/5
    Sources- 0/5
    Pictures/video- 3/5
    Grammar/spelling- 5/5
